TMR instruction system – „Self-protection generation 70+"

More and more older people are confronted with violence in the private as well as in the public environment. This often happens in the form of groundless mobbing and extends to robberies and assaults.

Particularly physically disadvantaged people are urged in the victim role by perpetrators because of their supposedly lack of resistance and are thus exposed to a greater potential for danger.

Self-protection for older persons, the “70+ generation” is a very sensible and specific matter.

It requires psychological and technical knowledge from the instructor, empathy and a lot of experience in dealing with the handling of dangers, especially with the given stress situation.

It is important to develop the mental stress resistance and the ability to recognize conflict situations timely, thus avoiding dangerous situations right from the start.

Many "70+ persons" are no longer eligible for active exercising of complicated self-defense techniques for health reasons and this is where the "TMR instruction system" comes into play.

In this specially developed training program

"Self Protection Generation 70+"

the primary aim is to avoid physical conflicts through the use of self-assertion methods and preventive measures.

The goal is to reduce the insecurity and anxiety that have arisen due to decreasing physical strength or any visual and hearing difficulties and to free oneself from "victim behaviour".

The use of self-defense techniques is only used in the most extreme emergency situations.

The techniques are adapted to the natural movement and do not require special physical performance.

The techniques are derived from the actual situation, use the power of the attacker, are easy to learn, and what is essential, they are efficient.

You also learn the use of any aids such as walking stick, umbrella, keys, clothes, shrill whistles, pepper spray etc.


Learn how to avoid a threat by building up your self-confidence, set clear boundaries by choosing your words smartly.

Meet an inevitable assault by means of an active counteraction, uncompromising - easy-effective!!

Put down the "fear of crime" and regain your well-being.

We are here for you!

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